Lighten Your Carbon Footprint with Solar Energy

Global warming and climate change can be considered as one of the most controversial topics in recent time. Aligned with this topic, the increase for renewable energy generation has also been popular as a potential remedy to tackle climate change. Terms such as carbon footprint has also been a frequent term in our recent lives that measures the environmental impact that is resulted by a particular individual or an activity. Carbon footprint can be precisely defined as the total amount of greenhouse gases produced by direct or indirect human activities and is expressed in equivalent tons in Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Due to recent human activities, there has been a significant increase in carbon footprint that is contributing to greenhouse effect, global warming and climate change.

Among the renewable energy generation sources, solar energy can be identified as a zero-carbon power generation source that has a relatively smaller carbon footprint compared to other renewable energy generation methods. The most interesting factor to consider solar energy generation as zero carbon since it entirely relies on the sun’s energy to convert into electricity. Investing in solar systems can be considered as one of the most convenient ways to reduce your carbon footprint and eventually help the environment. The considerably larger reduction of emissions is one of the biggest advantages of solar energy generation.

Reducing your carbon footprint with solar energy not only lowers your energy bills but also minimizes your dependency on fossil fuels. A British Organization called the “Energy Savings Trust” that is a dedicated organization to promote energy efficiency, energy conservation and sustainable use of energy has reported that an average household with a Solar PV System has the potential to reduce carbon emissions by approximately 1.3 to 1.6 tonnes a year. So, 1.3 carbon tonnes is equivalent to the amount of carbon emissions generated by charging over 600,000 smartphones or using more than 2270 litres of petrol for an automobile. When considering the manufacturing process of solar panels, greenhouse gases are emitted to the atmosphere as part of the process, but they are capable of offsetting the impact within a few years after installation. It has been found out in a study carried out in the year 2013 that a potential solar system has the potential to offset the adequate carbon emissions in less than two years.

We all need to do our bit to help in creating a carbon neutral future for us and generations to come. We believe solar is a great way to do this.

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